La Promenade

Apartment house

La Promenade 21/22

Au­then­tic hos­pi­tal­ity will make your hol­i­day a spe­cial ex­pe­ri­ence.

The apart­ment in the house «La Prom­e­nade» 24 are lo­cated in a quiet street in the cen­ter of Leuker­bad and op­po­site the ther­mal SPA / Alpentherme. The good lo­ca­tion of the apart­ments of­fer a start­ing point for nu­mer­ous hik­ing tours and the Tor­rent rail­way sta­tion is lo­cated in close prox­im­ity.

In win­ter it is pos­si­ble to ski down to the sta­tion.

We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you in our apart­ments.